The ASTRA program is available to selected Woodville High School learners who possess a gift or a talent in at least one field or domain of ability, such as intellectual, creative, social emotional or motor skills, which places them among the top 10 per cent of their age peers. Woodville High School adopts Gagne’s definition of gifted and talented and the Differentiated Model of Giftedness and Talent (2019)
Gifted: refers to a students’ natural ability in one or
more domains, placing that student in the top 10 percent of age peers.
Talent: refers to the performance in one or more
domains that places a student in the top 10 percent of age peers.
These research-based definitions are significant in the teaching and learning of high ability students and are at the core of Woodville High Schools’ ASTRA Program. Our Woodville High School values of creativity, integrity and resilience are shaped by the belief that all learners have the right to equitable access to rigorous, relevant and challenging learning activities drawn from a challenging curriculum that addresses their individual learning needs. The education is informed by research-based practice and ongoing evaluation and improvement. The teaching strategies are designed to shape a local curriculum that maximises the growth of every learner by continuously developing their abilities and gifts, turning them into talents.
Differentiation strategies are employed, as gifted learners:
Vary in ability and aptitudes
May have a disability; these students are often called twice-exceptional
May vary in achievements over time, with some students temporarily underachieving
May experience an increased chance of social or emotional difficulties.
A nurturing environment helps learners transform their natural abilities (gifts) to competencies (talents).
The program aims to:
Engage and challenge students
Provide early identification processes
Follow a challenging curriculum that:
aligns with the needs and interests of students.
focuses on higher order thinking content knowledge.
removes unnecessary content repetition.
offers opportunities for students to work with intellectuallyand socio-emotionally compatible peers.
offers a wide range of extra opportunities that enrich class activities.
maintains the work-school-life balance.
How does it work? The Senior Leaders of ASTRA, Middle School, and Transition work together to monitor student results throughout the first half of the year and identify potential ASTRA students. Students are identified by triangulating information from multiple objective and subjective measures, such as primary school recommendation, participation in a primary school Highly Abled learner class, parent and teacher nomination, high results in standardised testing (NAPLAN, PAT-R, PAT-M) and other data collated by teachers. Identified students undertake the HAST (Higher Ability Selection Test) and based on their result, are offered a place in the ASTRA program for the following year.
ASTRA learners may excel in one subject and not in another. They are allocated to an ASTRA English, Mathematics or Science class at their current year level. The classes follow an enriched equivalent year level Australian Curriculum content. There will be an expectation that the learners will take part in competitions and outside school events. In addition to students being extended in class, students are provided opportunities to participate in various enrichment activities, such as Creative and Performing Arts, coding and computational skills, rich literature experiences, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) initiatives and Technologies. ASTRA also provides select students with the opportunity to participate in curriculum acceleration, in a particular subject. The course is then compacted and opportunities for in depth studies are provided. In this case the learners would usually complete Years 8 –10 in two years, giving them the options of studying SACE, Stage 1 and 2 subjects while they are in Year 10 and 11. This is on a case-by case basis and by negotiation.
Procedures for Identification
Primary school recommendation
Current participation in a Primary School HAL class
High results in standardised tests including NAPLAN results, PAT-R results, PAT-M results etc
Teacher observations utilising the DfE -Characteristics of a Gifted Learner
Parent / Caregiver or student nomination/interviews
A portfolio of work can be presented, which may include:
Music audition
Visual Arts portfolio presentation
Dance/Drama audition
Special Sport program by skill & ability testing
Continuation in the program will be conditional upon the learner maintaining high academic performance and exemplary behaviour and application to their studies. This is at the discretion of the ASTRA Manager and Curriculum Leader. Should the learner’s performance cease to meet expectations, the relevant curriculum leader will formally advise parents/caregivers of withdrawal from the ASTRA program. ASTRA students are monitored through the school reporting process, teacher information and meetings with the ASTRA students and the Senior Leader for Highly Abled Learners. Academic and well-being support is accessible through homework centres, and the school wellbeing team.
For more information regarding the SHIP program, please contact Head of Middle School or SHIP Senior Leader.